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HDAnalyzeR 1.1.0

General Updates

  • Improved Function Naming:
    All functions now start with hd_ for consistency and easier searching in RStudio, especially when using multiple packages simultaneously.

  • Heatmap Updates:
    Heatmaps are now converted to ggplot objects using ggplotify, enhancing flexibility and uniformity. Now all plots are ggplot objects.

  • Enhanced Vignettes:
    Vignettes have been streamlined by suppressing unnecessary outputs and messages.

  • Bug Fixes & Warnings:
    Addressed several bugs and added informative warnings and error handling to guide users when potential issues arise.

  • Preprocess Module Removal:
    The preprocess module was removed due to redundancy and limited functionality.

Utility Functions

  • New Features:
  • Simplified Usage:
    • hd_save_data() (formerly save_df()) now has more user-friendly arguments, aligning with hd_import_data() (formerly import_df()).
    • hd_widen_data() supports custom column selection for wide data creation with arguments like exclude, names_from, and values_from.
  • Deprecated Functions:
    generate_df() was deprecated as it is now redundant.

Dimensionality Reduction

  • Bug Fixes:
    Fixed an issue in hd_auto_pca() (formerly do_pca()) when handling more than 9 principal components.

Palettes & Themes

  • New Functions:
    • hd_show_palettes(): Displays all available palettes in the package.
    • Added selected palettes from the ggsci package.


  • New Features:
    • hd_na_search(): Summarizes NA distributions in heatmaps and supports user-defined metadata annotations.
    • hd_omit_na(): Removes rows with NA values based on specified columns.
  • Removed Features:
    impute_mice() was removed for simplicity. Users requiring advanced imputation can directly use the mice package.

Quality Control (QC) Summary

  • New & Enhanced Features:
  • Removed Normality Checks:
    Removed automatic normality checks for large datasets due to sensitivity issues. Instead, users are encouraged to use histograms or QQ plots for this purpose.

Differential Expression Analysis

  • Streamlined Functions:
    • Merged do_limma() and do_limma_continuous() into hd_de_limma(), which auto-detects variable types.
    • hd_plot_volcano() is now a standalone function to reduce the number of arguments but still keep the flexibility.
  • Improved Customization:
    Added a user_defined_proteins argument to hd_plot_volcano(), allowing users to label specific proteins on volcano plots.

Classification Models

  • Model Updates:
    Merged multiclass and binary models.

  • Enhanced Visualizations:

    • Multiclassification models now include a variable importance plot.
    • AUC bar plots were removed to make the output more consistent with the binary classification models.
    • Probability plots were added to visualize the distribution of probabilities for each class.

Visualization Functions

  • New Functions:
    • Added plot_feature_summary_heatmap(): Summarizes differential expression and classification model results in a single heatmap.
    • Added plot_feature_summary_network(): Summarizes differential expression or classification model features results in a single network.
  • Bug Fixes & Improvements:
    Fixed color-matching issues in bar plots for hd_plot_de_summary() and hd_plot_model_summary() caused by frequency ties. Bars are now colored correctly.

Pathway Enrichment Analysis


  • New Features:
    • Added hd_cluster_samples(): Clusters samples based on selected features in k clusters. The number k is either user-defined or determined using the gap statistic.
    • Added hd_assess_clusters(): Assesses the quality of clustering using the cluster’s Jaccard index and sample size.

New Analysis Module: WGCNA

Added the Weighted Gene Co-expression Network Analysis (WGCNA) module for network analysis.

HDAnalyzeR 1.0.0 (2024-08-19)

Initial release of HDAnalyzeR.