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hd_auto_pca() runs a PCA analysis on the provided data and plots the PCA results.


  metadata = NULL,
  components = 10,
  by_sample = TRUE,
  plot_x = "PC1",
  plot_y = "PC2",
  plot_color = NULL,
  plot_palette = NULL



An HDAnalyzeR object or a dataset in wide format and sample ID as its first column.


A dataset containing the metadata information with the sample ID as the first column. If a HDAnalyzeR object is provided, this parameter is not needed.


The number of PCs to be calculated. Default is 10.


If TRUE, points represent samples. If FALSE, points represent features. Default is TRUE.


The name of the column in dim_res that contains the x-axis values. Default is "PC1".


The name of the column in dim_res that contains the y-axis values. Default is "PC2".


The name of the column in dim_res that contains the variable to be used to plot the points color. Default is NULL.


The color palette for the plot. If it is a character, it should be one of the palettes from hd_palettes(). Default is NULL.


A list with the PCA results and PCA plots.


# Create the HDAnalyzeR object providing the data and metadata
hd_object <- hd_initialize(example_data, example_metadata)

# Run the PCA analysis
hd_auto_pca(hd_object, components = 20, plot_color = "Disease", plot_palette = "cancers12")
#> $pca_res
#> # A tibble: 586 × 21
#>    DAid        PC1     PC2      PC3    PC4    PC5     PC6     PC7    PC8    PC9
#>    <fct>     <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
#>  1 DA00001  -3.67  -4.28   -2.34    -3.10  -2.65  -2.73   -2.78    0.433 -3.23 
#>  2 DA00002   4.11  -2.64    2.04    -0.441 -4.43  -1.91   -0.897   1.54  -0.283
#>  3 DA00003  -3.34   4.72    1.41     0.881 -0.561  0.308  -0.0612 -0.267  1.42 
#>  4 DA00004  -4.78   0.443   1.41     0.107 -1.10  -0.262   0.350   3.33  -0.336
#>  5 DA00005  -4.98  -3.67    0.711   -5.70  -0.807 -3.77   -0.969   1.83  -1.29 
#>  6 DA00006   0.395  0.0572 -1.90    -7.75   0.707 -2.70   -0.681   0.301 -0.486
#>  7 DA00007 -10.5   -2.91   -0.382   -0.841 -1.61   1.96   -1.30    2.51  -2.23 
#>  8 DA00008   2.64  -2.01    2.75    -0.128 -0.852  0.408  -1.70    0.595 -0.135
#>  9 DA00009  -1.79  -0.461   2.79    -2.61  -2.71   0.0732 -3.08    1.75  -1.72 
#> 10 DA00010   3.57   0.821  -0.00756  1.50  -2.66  -0.856   0.0190  1.17  -0.683
#> # ℹ 576 more rows
#> # ℹ 11 more variables: PC10 <dbl>, PC11 <dbl>, PC12 <dbl>, PC13 <dbl>,
#> #   PC14 <dbl>, PC15 <dbl>, PC16 <dbl>, PC17 <dbl>, PC18 <dbl>, PC19 <dbl>,
#> #   PC20 <dbl>
#> $pca_loadings
#> # A tibble: 10,000 × 3
#>    terms    value component
#>    <chr>    <dbl> <chr>    
#>  1 AARSD1 -0.133  PC1      
#>  2 ABL1   -0.198  PC1      
#>  3 ACAA1  -0.163  PC1      
#>  4 ACAN    0.0123 PC1      
#>  5 ACE2   -0.0583 PC1      
#>  6 ACOX1  -0.135  PC1      
#>  7 ACP5   -0.0626 PC1      
#>  8 ACP6   -0.0933 PC1      
#>  9 ACTA2  -0.0751 PC1      
#> 10 ACTN4  -0.0424 PC1      
#> # ℹ 9,990 more rows
#> $pca_variance
#> # A tibble: 20 × 3
#>    component percent_variance cumulative_percent_variance
#>        <int>            <dbl>                       <dbl>
#>  1         1            15.7                         15.7
#>  2         2             6.72                        22.4
#>  3         3             3.73                        26.2
#>  4         4             3.31                        29.5
#>  5         5             2.90                        32.4
#>  6         6             2.44                        34.8
#>  7         7             2.25                        37.1
#>  8         8             1.70                        38.8
#>  9         9             1.61                        40.4
#> 10        10             1.58                        42.0
#> 11        11             1.49                        43.5
#> 12        12             1.45                        44.9
#> 13        13             1.39                        46.3
#> 14        14             1.35                        47.6
#> 15        15             1.32                        49.0
#> 16        16             1.27                        50.2
#> 17        17             1.25                        51.5
#> 18        18             1.22                        52.7
#> 19        19             1.19                        53.9
#> 20        20             1.17                        55.1
#> $by_sample
#> [1] TRUE
#> $pca_loadings_plot

#> $pca_variance_plot

#> $pca_plot

#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "hd_pca"