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hd_model_rreg() runs the regularized regression model pipeline. It creates class-balanced case-control groups for the train set, tunes the model, evaluates the model, and plots the feature importance and model performance.


  variable = "Disease",
  control = NULL,
  balance_groups = TRUE,
  cor_threshold = 0.9,
  grid_size = 30,
  cv_sets = 5,
  mixture = NULL,
  palette = NULL,
  plot_y_labels = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,
  plot_title = c("accuracy", "sensitivity", "specificity", "auc", "features",
    "top-features", "mixture"),
  seed = 123



An hd_model object or a list containing the train and test data.


The name of the metadata variable containing the case and control groups. Default is "Disease".


The case class.


The control groups. If NULL, it will be set to all other unique values of the variable that are not the case. Default is NULL.


Whether to balance the groups in the train set. It is only valid in binary classification settings. Default is TRUE.


Threshold of absolute correlation values. This will be used to remove the minimum number of features so that all their resulting absolute correlations are less than this value.


Size of the hyperparameter optimization grid. Default is 30.


Number of cross-validation sets. Default is 5.


The mixture parameter for the elastic net model (1 - LASSO, 0 - Ridge). If NULL it will be tuned. Default is NULL.


The color palette for the classes. If it is a character, it should be one of the palettes from hd_palettes(). In case of a continuous variable it is not required. Default is NULL.


Whether to show y-axis labels in the feature importance plot. Default is FALSE.


Whether to print progress messages. Default is TRUE.


Vector of title elements to include in the plot. It should be a subset of c("accuracy", "sensitivity", "specificity", "auc", "features", "top-features", "mixture").


Seed for reproducibility. Default is 123.


A model object containing the train and test data, the metrics, the ROC curve, the selected features, their importance, and the mixture parameter.


This model will not work if the number of predictors is less than 2. However, if this is the case, consider using hd_model_lr() instead if it is a classification problem. In case it is a regression problem, consider using hd_plot_regression() directly to plot your feature against the target variable.

The numeric predictors will be normalized and the nominal predictors will be one-hot encoded. If the data contain missing values, KNN (k=5) imputation will be used to impute. If case is provided, the model will be a binary classification model. If case is NULL, the model will be a multiclass classification model.

In multi-class models, the groups in the train set are not balanced and sensitivity and specificity are calculated via macro-averaging. In case the model is run against a continuous variable, the palette will be ignored and we have to change the elements of plot_title to rmse and rsq to plot the RMSE and RSQ instead of accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and auc (see examples bellow).


# Initialize an HDAnalyzeR object
hd_object <- hd_initialize(example_data, example_metadata)

# Split the data into training and test sets
hd_split <- hd_split_data(hd_object, variable = "Disease")
#> Warning: Too little data to stratify.
#>  Resampling will be unstratified.

# Run the regularized regression model pipeline
              variable = "Disease",
              case = "AML",
              grid_size = 5,
              palette = "cancers12",
              verbose = FALSE)
#> The groups in the train set are balanced. If you do not want to balance the groups, set `balance_groups = FALSE`.
#> $train_data
#> # A tibble: 76 × 102
#>    DAid    Disease AARSD1   ABL1  ACAA1   ACAN    ACE2  ACOX1    ACP5    ACP6
#>    <chr>   <fct>    <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
#>  1 DA00003 1        NA    NA     NA      0.989 NA       0.330  1.37   NA     
#>  2 DA00004 1         3.41  3.38   1.69  NA      1.52   NA      0.841   0.582 
#>  3 DA00005 1         5.01  5.05   0.128  0.401 -0.933  -0.584  0.0265  1.16  
#>  4 DA00006 1         6.83  1.18  -1.74  -0.156  1.53   -0.721  0.620   0.527 
#>  5 DA00007 1        NA    NA      3.96   0.682  3.14    2.62   1.47    2.25  
#>  6 DA00008 1         2.78  0.812 -0.552  0.982 -0.101  -0.304  0.376  -0.826 
#>  7 DA00010 1         1.83  1.21  -0.912 -1.04  -0.0918 -0.304  1.69    0.0920
#>  8 DA00011 1         3.48  4.96   3.50  -0.338  4.48    1.26   2.18    1.62  
#>  9 DA00012 1         4.31  0.710 -1.44  -0.218 -0.469  -0.361 -0.0714 -1.30  
#> 10 DA00013 1         1.31  2.52   1.11   0.997  4.56   -1.35   0.833   2.33  
#> # ℹ 66 more rows
#> # ℹ 92 more variables: ACTA2 <dbl>, ACTN4 <dbl>, ACY1 <dbl>, ADA <dbl>,
#> #   ADA2 <dbl>, ADAM15 <dbl>, ADAM23 <dbl>, ADAM8 <dbl>, ADAMTS13 <dbl>,
#> #   ADAMTS15 <dbl>, ADAMTS16 <dbl>, ADAMTS8 <dbl>, ADCYAP1R1 <dbl>,
#> #   ADGRE2 <dbl>, ADGRE5 <dbl>, ADGRG1 <dbl>, ADGRG2 <dbl>, ADH4 <dbl>,
#> #   ADM <dbl>, AGER <dbl>, AGR2 <dbl>, AGR3 <dbl>, AGRN <dbl>, AGRP <dbl>,
#> #   AGXT <dbl>, AHCY <dbl>, AHSP <dbl>, AIF1 <dbl>, AIFM1 <dbl>, AK1 <dbl>, …
#> $test_data
#> # A tibble: 147 × 102
#>    DAid   Disease AARSD1  ABL1  ACAA1    ACAN  ACE2   ACOX1   ACP5    ACP6 ACTA2
#>    <chr>  <fct>    <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 DA000… 1        3.39  2.76   1.71   0.0333 1.76  -0.919   1.54   2.15   2.81 
#>  2 DA000… 1        1.42  1.25  -0.816 -0.459  0.826 -0.902   0.647  1.30   0.798
#>  3 DA000… 1        4.39  3.34  -0.452 -0.868  0.395  1.71    1.49  -0.0285 0.200
#>  4 DA000… 1        3.31  1.90  NA     -0.926  0.408  0.687   1.03   0.612  2.19 
#>  5 DA000… 1        1.46  0.832 -2.73  -0.371  2.27   0.0234  0.144  0.826  1.98 
#>  6 DA000… 1        2.62  2.48   0.537 -0.215  1.82   0.290   1.27   1.11   0.206
#>  7 DA000… 1        2.47  2.16  -0.486 NA      0.386 NA       1.38   0.536  1.86 
#>  8 DA000… 1        3.62  3.06  -1.34   0.965  1.05   1.53    0.152 -0.124  2.81 
#>  9 DA000… 1        4.39  3.31   0.454  0.290  2.68   0.116  -1.32   0.945  2.14 
#> 10 DA000… 1        0.964 2.94   1.55   1.67   2.50   0.164   1.83   1.46   3.03 
#> # ℹ 137 more rows
#> # ℹ 91 more variables: ACTN4 <dbl>, ACY1 <dbl>, ADA <dbl>, ADA2 <dbl>,
#> #   ADAM15 <dbl>, ADAM23 <dbl>, ADAM8 <dbl>, ADAMTS13 <dbl>, ADAMTS15 <dbl>,
#> #   ADAMTS16 <dbl>, ADAMTS8 <dbl>, ADCYAP1R1 <dbl>, ADGRE2 <dbl>, ADGRE5 <dbl>,
#> #   ADGRG1 <dbl>, ADGRG2 <dbl>, ADH4 <dbl>, ADM <dbl>, AGER <dbl>, AGR2 <dbl>,
#> #   AGR3 <dbl>, AGRN <dbl>, AGRP <dbl>, AGXT <dbl>, AHCY <dbl>, AHSP <dbl>,
#> #   AIF1 <dbl>, AIFM1 <dbl>, AK1 <dbl>, AKR1B1 <dbl>, AKR1C4 <dbl>, …
#> $model_type
#> [1] "binary_class"
#> $final_workflow
#> ══ Workflow ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
#> Preprocessor: Recipe
#> Model: logistic_reg()
#> ── Preprocessor ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> 5 Recipe Steps
#> • step_dummy()
#> • step_nzv()
#> • step_normalize()
#> • step_corr()
#> • step_impute_knn()
#> ── Model ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Logistic Regression Model Specification (classification)
#> Main Arguments:
#>   penalty = 0.225833639858074
#>   mixture = 0.282826104864944
#> Computational engine: glmnet 
#> $metrics
#> $metrics$accuracy
#> [1] 0.9047619
#> $metrics$sensitivity
#> [1] 0.9166667
#> $metrics$specificity
#> [1] 0.9037037
#> $metrics$auc
#> [1] 0.958642
#> $metrics$confusion_matrix
#>           Truth
#> Prediction   0   1
#>          0 122   1
#>          1  13  11
#> $roc_curve

#> $probability_plot

#> $mixture
#> [1] 0.2828261
#> $features
#> # A tibble: 64 × 4
#>    Feature  Importance Sign  Scaled_Importance
#>    <fct>         <dbl> <chr>             <dbl>
#>  1 ANGPT1        1.31  NEG               1    
#>  2 ADGRG1        1.02  POS               0.779
#>  3 AMY2A         0.848 POS               0.648
#>  4 ADAMTS16      0.788 NEG               0.602
#>  5 ADA           0.769 POS               0.587
#>  6 ADAM8         0.721 NEG               0.551
#>  7 AHCY          0.712 POS               0.544
#>  8 AMIGO2        0.703 NEG               0.537
#>  9 ANGPTL2       0.596 POS               0.456
#> 10 AMFR          0.509 POS               0.389
#> # ℹ 54 more rows
#> $feat_imp_plot

#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "hd_model"

# Run the multiclass regularized regression model pipeline
              variable = "Disease",
              case = NULL,
              grid_size = 2,
              cv_sets = 2,
              verbose = FALSE)
#> The groups in the train set are balanced. If you do not want to balance the groups, set `balance_groups = FALSE`.
#> Warning: Too little data to stratify.
#>  Resampling will be unstratified.
#> $train_data
#> # A tibble: 439 × 102
#>    DAid    Disease AARSD1   ABL1  ACAA1   ACAN    ACE2  ACOX1    ACP5    ACP6
#>    <chr>   <fct>    <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
#>  1 DA00003 AML      NA    NA     NA      0.989 NA       0.330  1.37   NA     
#>  2 DA00004 AML       3.41  3.38   1.69  NA      1.52   NA      0.841   0.582 
#>  3 DA00005 AML       5.01  5.05   0.128  0.401 -0.933  -0.584  0.0265  1.16  
#>  4 DA00006 AML       6.83  1.18  -1.74  -0.156  1.53   -0.721  0.620   0.527 
#>  5 DA00007 AML      NA    NA      3.96   0.682  3.14    2.62   1.47    2.25  
#>  6 DA00008 AML       2.78  0.812 -0.552  0.982 -0.101  -0.304  0.376  -0.826 
#>  7 DA00010 AML       1.83  1.21  -0.912 -1.04  -0.0918 -0.304  1.69    0.0920
#>  8 DA00011 AML       3.48  4.96   3.50  -0.338  4.48    1.26   2.18    1.62  
#>  9 DA00012 AML       4.31  0.710 -1.44  -0.218 -0.469  -0.361 -0.0714 -1.30  
#> 10 DA00013 AML       1.31  2.52   1.11   0.997  4.56   -1.35   0.833   2.33  
#> # ℹ 429 more rows
#> # ℹ 92 more variables: ACTA2 <dbl>, ACTN4 <dbl>, ACY1 <dbl>, ADA <dbl>,
#> #   ADA2 <dbl>, ADAM15 <dbl>, ADAM23 <dbl>, ADAM8 <dbl>, ADAMTS13 <dbl>,
#> #   ADAMTS15 <dbl>, ADAMTS16 <dbl>, ADAMTS8 <dbl>, ADCYAP1R1 <dbl>,
#> #   ADGRE2 <dbl>, ADGRE5 <dbl>, ADGRG1 <dbl>, ADGRG2 <dbl>, ADH4 <dbl>,
#> #   ADM <dbl>, AGER <dbl>, AGR2 <dbl>, AGR3 <dbl>, AGRN <dbl>, AGRP <dbl>,
#> #   AGXT <dbl>, AHCY <dbl>, AHSP <dbl>, AIF1 <dbl>, AIFM1 <dbl>, AK1 <dbl>, …
#> $test_data
#> # A tibble: 147 × 102
#>    DAid   Disease AARSD1  ABL1  ACAA1    ACAN  ACE2   ACOX1   ACP5    ACP6 ACTA2
#>    <chr>  <fct>    <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 DA000… AML      3.39  2.76   1.71   0.0333 1.76  -0.919   1.54   2.15   2.81 
#>  2 DA000… AML      1.42  1.25  -0.816 -0.459  0.826 -0.902   0.647  1.30   0.798
#>  3 DA000… AML      4.39  3.34  -0.452 -0.868  0.395  1.71    1.49  -0.0285 0.200
#>  4 DA000… AML      3.31  1.90  NA     -0.926  0.408  0.687   1.03   0.612  2.19 
#>  5 DA000… AML      1.46  0.832 -2.73  -0.371  2.27   0.0234  0.144  0.826  1.98 
#>  6 DA000… AML      2.62  2.48   0.537 -0.215  1.82   0.290   1.27   1.11   0.206
#>  7 DA000… AML      2.47  2.16  -0.486 NA      0.386 NA       1.38   0.536  1.86 
#>  8 DA000… AML      3.62  3.06  -1.34   0.965  1.05   1.53    0.152 -0.124  2.81 
#>  9 DA000… AML      4.39  3.31   0.454  0.290  2.68   0.116  -1.32   0.945  2.14 
#> 10 DA000… AML      0.964 2.94   1.55   1.67   2.50   0.164   1.83   1.46   3.03 
#> # ℹ 137 more rows
#> # ℹ 91 more variables: ACTN4 <dbl>, ACY1 <dbl>, ADA <dbl>, ADA2 <dbl>,
#> #   ADAM15 <dbl>, ADAM23 <dbl>, ADAM8 <dbl>, ADAMTS13 <dbl>, ADAMTS15 <dbl>,
#> #   ADAMTS16 <dbl>, ADAMTS8 <dbl>, ADCYAP1R1 <dbl>, ADGRE2 <dbl>, ADGRE5 <dbl>,
#> #   ADGRG1 <dbl>, ADGRG2 <dbl>, ADH4 <dbl>, ADM <dbl>, AGER <dbl>, AGR2 <dbl>,
#> #   AGR3 <dbl>, AGRN <dbl>, AGRP <dbl>, AGXT <dbl>, AHCY <dbl>, AHSP <dbl>,
#> #   AIF1 <dbl>, AIFM1 <dbl>, AK1 <dbl>, AKR1B1 <dbl>, AKR1C4 <dbl>, …
#> $model_type
#> [1] "multi_class"
#> $final_workflow
#> ══ Workflow ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
#> Preprocessor: Recipe
#> Model: multinom_reg()
#> ── Preprocessor ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> 5 Recipe Steps
#> • step_dummy()
#> • step_nzv()
#> • step_normalize()
#> • step_corr()
#> • step_impute_knn()
#> ── Model ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Multinomial Regression Model Specification (classification)
#> Main Arguments:
#>   penalty = 4.45590449619826e-06
#>   mixture = 0.179142067208886
#> Computational engine: glmnet 
#> $metrics
#> $metrics$accuracy
#> [1] 0.3673469
#> $metrics$sensitivity
#> [1] 0.3872563
#> $metrics$specificity
#> [1] 0.942447
#> $metrics$auc
#> # A tibble: 14 × 2
#>    Disease   AUC
#>    <chr>   <dbl>
#>  1 AML     0.907
#>  2 BRC     0.773
#>  3 CLL     0.979
#>  4 CRC     0.904
#>  5 CVX     0.752
#>  6 ENDC    0.776
#>  7 GLIOM   0.778
#>  8 LUNGC   0.692
#>  9 LYMPH   0.713
#> 10 MYEL    0.966
#> 11 OVC     0.759
#> 12 PRC     0.733
#> 13 macro   0.811
#> 14 micro   0.806
#> $metrics$confusion_matrix
#>           Truth
#>      AML     8   0   0   0   0    0     1     0     2    0   1   0
#>      BRC     0   1   0   0   0    0     0     1     1    0   0   1
#>      CLL     0   1   7   0   0    0     0     0     1    0   0   0
#>      CRC     0   1   0   8   0    0     0     3     0    0   1   0
#>      CVX     0   2   1   0   4    4     0     1     2    0   2   3
#>      ENDC    0   0   0   0   4    3     1     1     0    1   2   2
#>      GLIOM   0   2   0   0   0    0     6     0     1    1   0   1
#>      LUNGC   1   2   0   4   0    1     1     1     1    0   4   2
#>      LYMPH   2   2   0   0   0    0     0     2     4    0   0   0
#>      MYEL    1   0   0   0   2    1     2     0     1    5   0   0
#>      OVC     0   0   0   1   1    1     2     2     2    0   3   1
#>      PRC     0   1   1   2   3    0     1     0     1    0   0   4
#> $roc_curve

#> $probability_plot

#> $mixture
#> [1] 0.1791421
#> $features
#> # A tibble: 97 × 4
#>    Feature  Importance Sign  Scaled_Importance
#>    <fct>         <dbl> <chr>             <dbl>
#>  1 AHCY           2.78 POS               1    
#>  2 ANGPT1         2.50 NEG               0.899
#>  3 AK1            1.96 NEG               0.704
#>  4 APEX1          1.88 POS               0.675
#>  5 ADAM8          1.87 NEG               0.672
#>  6 ARTN           1.70 POS               0.611
#>  7 ARID4B         1.56 NEG               0.560
#>  8 ADAMTS16       1.41 NEG               0.507
#>  9 ALPP           1.35 NEG               0.485
#> 10 ADGRG1         1.28 POS               0.459
#> # ℹ 87 more rows
#> $feat_imp_plot

#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "hd_model"

# Run the regularized regression model pipeline for a continuous variable
# Split the data into training and test sets
hd_split <- hd_split_data(hd_object, variable = "Age")

# Run the regularized regression model pipeline
              variable = "Age",
              case = NULL,
              grid_size = 2,
              cv_sets = 2,
              plot_title = c("rmse",
              verbose = FALSE)
#> The groups in the train set are balanced. If you do not want to balance the groups, set `balance_groups = FALSE`.
#> $train_data
#> # A tibble: 438 × 102
#>    DAid      Age AARSD1       ABL1   ACAA1   ACAN  ACE2   ACOX1   ACP5     ACP6
#>    <chr>   <dbl>  <dbl>      <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>
#>  1 DA00011    54   3.48  4.96       3.50   -0.338 4.48   1.26    2.18   1.62   
#>  2 DA00015    47   3.31  1.90      NA      -0.926 0.408  0.687   1.03   0.612  
#>  3 DA00017    44   1.46  0.832     -2.73   -0.371 2.27   0.0234  0.144  0.826  
#>  4 DA00023    42   2.92 -0.0000706  0.602   1.59  0.198  1.61    0.283  2.35   
#>  5 DA00024    46   1.92  0.257      0.0587  1.44  1.29   0.503   0.463  1.01   
#>  6 DA00026    44   4.92  1.89       0.560   0.558 2.39   0.455   0.743 -0.955  
#>  7 DA00036    54   1.54  1.07      -1.49   -0.171 0.553 -0.144  -0.240  0.00582
#>  8 DA00037    54   3.65  3.30       0.748   0.571 1.20   1.30    2.09   0.717  
#>  9 DA00049    40   4.48  4.56       4.86    0.230 2.24   2.97    2.60  -1.11   
#> 10 DA00062    48   2.67  0.540      1.97    0.363 0.455  1.77    0.624  1.12   
#> # ℹ 428 more rows
#> # ℹ 92 more variables: ACTA2 <dbl>, ACTN4 <dbl>, ACY1 <dbl>, ADA <dbl>,
#> #   ADA2 <dbl>, ADAM15 <dbl>, ADAM23 <dbl>, ADAM8 <dbl>, ADAMTS13 <dbl>,
#> #   ADAMTS15 <dbl>, ADAMTS16 <dbl>, ADAMTS8 <dbl>, ADCYAP1R1 <dbl>,
#> #   ADGRE2 <dbl>, ADGRE5 <dbl>, ADGRG1 <dbl>, ADGRG2 <dbl>, ADH4 <dbl>,
#> #   ADM <dbl>, AGER <dbl>, AGR2 <dbl>, AGR3 <dbl>, AGRN <dbl>, AGRP <dbl>,
#> #   AGXT <dbl>, AHCY <dbl>, AHSP <dbl>, AIF1 <dbl>, AIFM1 <dbl>, AK1 <dbl>, …
#> $test_data
#> # A tibble: 148 × 102
#>    DAid    Age AARSD1  ABL1  ACAA1    ACAN    ACE2   ACOX1    ACP5    ACP6 ACTA2
#>    <chr> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 DA00…    42   3.39 2.76   1.71   0.0333  1.76   -0.919   1.54    2.15   2.81 
#>  2 DA00…    69   1.42 1.25  -0.816 -0.459   0.826  -0.902   0.647   1.30   0.798
#>  3 DA00…    54   3.41 3.38   1.69  NA       1.52   NA       0.841   0.582  1.70 
#>  4 DA00…    57   5.01 5.05   0.128  0.401  -0.933  -0.584   0.0265  1.16   2.73 
#>  5 DA00…    86   6.83 1.18  -1.74  -0.156   1.53   -0.721   0.620   0.527  0.772
#>  6 DA00…    48   1.83 1.21  -0.912 -1.04   -0.0918 -0.304   1.69    0.0920 2.04 
#>  7 DA00…    78   4.31 0.710 -1.44  -0.218  -0.469  -0.361  -0.0714 -1.30   2.86 
#>  8 DA00…    75   2.62 2.48   0.537 -0.215   1.82    0.290   1.27    1.11   0.206
#>  9 DA00…    65   1.80 1.70   2.77  -1.04    1.33   -0.0247  1.02    0.112  2.58 
#> 10 DA00…    67   6.28 6.57   1.62   0.650   0.392   0.113   1.09    1.07   2.07 
#> # ℹ 138 more rows
#> # ℹ 91 more variables: ACTN4 <dbl>, ACY1 <dbl>, ADA <dbl>, ADA2 <dbl>,
#> #   ADAM15 <dbl>, ADAM23 <dbl>, ADAM8 <dbl>, ADAMTS13 <dbl>, ADAMTS15 <dbl>,
#> #   ADAMTS16 <dbl>, ADAMTS8 <dbl>, ADCYAP1R1 <dbl>, ADGRE2 <dbl>, ADGRE5 <dbl>,
#> #   ADGRG1 <dbl>, ADGRG2 <dbl>, ADH4 <dbl>, ADM <dbl>, AGER <dbl>, AGR2 <dbl>,
#> #   AGR3 <dbl>, AGRN <dbl>, AGRP <dbl>, AGXT <dbl>, AHCY <dbl>, AHSP <dbl>,
#> #   AIF1 <dbl>, AIFM1 <dbl>, AK1 <dbl>, AKR1B1 <dbl>, AKR1C4 <dbl>, …
#> $model_type
#> [1] "regression"
#> $final_workflow
#> ══ Workflow ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
#> Preprocessor: Recipe
#> Model: linear_reg()
#> ── Preprocessor ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> 5 Recipe Steps
#> • step_dummy()
#> • step_nzv()
#> • step_normalize()
#> • step_corr()
#> • step_impute_knn()
#> ── Model ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Linear Regression Model Specification (regression)
#> Main Arguments:
#>   penalty = 0.49228286213658
#>   mixture = 0.869285719160689
#> Computational engine: glmnet 
#> $metrics
#> $metrics$rmse
#> [1] 15.30525
#> $metrics$rsq
#> [1] 0.008168707
#> $comparison_plot

#> $mixture
#> [1] 0.8692857
#> $features
#> # A tibble: 99 × 4
#>    Feature Importance Sign  Scaled_Importance
#>    <fct>        <dbl> <chr>             <dbl>
#>  1 ARID4B        2.50 POS               1    
#>  2 ACY1          2.20 NEG               0.880
#>  3 ALCAM         2.19 POS               0.878
#>  4 ANGPT2        2.08 NEG               0.834
#>  5 AGXT          2.08 NEG               0.833
#>  6 AKT3          1.84 NEG               0.737
#>  7 ADAM15        1.77 POS               0.706
#>  8 AHSP          1.75 NEG               0.702
#>  9 AMY2A         1.69 NEG               0.677
#> 10 ANXA4         1.65 POS               0.661
#> # ℹ 89 more rows
#> $feat_imp_plot

#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "hd_model"