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hd_palettes() returns a list of palettes used by the Human Disease Blood Atlas resource of the Human Protein Atlas (HPA) project.




List of HDAnalyzeR palettes.


Some of the palettes are custom palettes created for the Human Disease Blood Atlas team. Others are taken from the ggsci package, which provides palettes inspired by scientific journals.


#> $sex_basic
#>         F         M 
#> "#C03830" "#317EC2" 
#> $sex
#>         F         M 
#> "#8a72be" "#A9D0EF" 
#> $diff_exp
#>  not significant significant down   significant up 
#>           "grey"        "#317EC2"        "#C03830" 
#> $cancers12
#>       AML       CLL     LYMPH      MYEL       CRC     LUNGC     GLIOM       BRC 
#> "#A6CEE3" "#2271B5" "#08585A" "#66C2A5" "#B89B74" "#ADC74F" "#FFD321" "#E8A29A" 
#>       CVX      ENDC       OVC       PRC 
#> "#9E0142" "#B195AE" "#603479" "#E7662B" 
#> $secreted
#>                      Secreted to blood                      Secreted in brain 
#>                              "#B30000"                              "#FFDD00" 
#>           Secreted to digestive system   Secreted in male reproductive system 
#>                              "#1280C4"                              "#95D4F5" 
#> Secreted in female reproductive system       Secreted to extracellular matrix 
#>                              "#F8BDD7"                              "#7F6A9C" 
#>              Secreted in other tissues            Secreted - unknown location 
#>                              "#FFD480"                              "#A1A8AA" 
#>             Intracellular and membrane                                Unknown 
#>                              "#F9A266"                               "grey80" 
#> $specificity
#>        Tissue enriched         Group enriched        Tissue enhanced 
#>              "#e41a1c"              "#FF9D00"              "#984ea3" 
#> Low tissue specificity          not detected  
#>               "grey40"                 "grey" 
#> $class
#>        Healthy Cardiovascular      Metabolic         Cancer    Psychiatric 
#>      "#B3B3B3"      "#FC8D62"      "#E5C494"      "#8DA0CB"      "#66C2A5" 
#>     Autoimmune      Infection      Pediatric 
#>      "#E78AC3"      "#FFD92F"      "#A6D854" 
#> $nrc
#>       Cinnabar    Shakespeare   PersianGreen       Chambray        Apricot 
#>      "#E64B35"      "#4DBBD5"      "#00A087"      "#3C5488"      "#F39B7F" 
#> WildBlueYonder     MonteCarlo          Monza    RomanCoffee       Sandrift 
#>      "#8491B4"      "#91D1C2"      "#DC0000"      "#7E6148"      "#B09C85" 
#> $aaas
#>      Chambray           Red      FunGreen   HoneyFlower          Teal 
#>     "#3B4992"     "#EE0000"     "#008B45"     "#631879"     "#008280" 
#>         Monza ButterflyBush FreshEggplant         Stack       CodGray 
#>     "#BB0021"     "#5F559B"     "#A20056"     "#808180"     "#1B1919" 
#> $nejm
#>      TallPoppy   DeepCerulean           Zest     Eucalyptus WildBlueYonder 
#>      "#BC3C29"      "#0072B5"      "#E18727"      "#20854E"      "#7876B1" 
#>         Gothic        Salomie     FrenchRose 
#>      "#6F99AD"      "#FFDC91"      "#EE4C97" 
#> $lancet
#> CongressBlue          Red        Apple    BondiBlue   TrendyPink     MonaLisa 
#>    "#00468B"    "#ED0000"    "#42B540"    "#0099B4"    "#925E9F"    "#FDAF91" 
#>      Carmine       Edward      CodGray 
#>    "#AD002A"    "#ADB6B6"    "#1B1919" 
#> $jama
#>  Limed Spruce         Anzac      Cerulean Apple Blossom      Acapulco 
#>     "#374E55"     "#DF8F44"     "#00A1D5"     "#B24745"     "#79AF97" 
#>      Kimberly        Makara 
#>     "#6A6599"     "#80796B" 
#> $bmj
#>      Blue    Yellow      Pink    Purple    Orange     Green      Aqua       Red 
#> "#2A6EBB" "#F0AB00" "#C50084" "#7D5CC6" "#E37222" "#69BE28" "#00B2A9" "#CD202C" 
#>      Grey 
#> "#747678" 
#> $jco
#>     Lochmara         Corn         Gray ChestnutRose       Danube    RegalBlue 
#>    "#0073C2"    "#EFC000"    "#868686"    "#CD534C"    "#7AA6DC"    "#003C67" 
#>        Olive    MineShaft     WellRead  KashmirBlue 
#>    "#8F7700"    "#3B3B3B"    "#A73030"    "#4A6990" 
#> $igv
#>      chr1      chr2      chr3      chr4      chr5      chr6      chr7      chr8 
#> "#5050FF" "#CE3D32" "#749B58" "#F0E685" "#466983" "#BA6338" "#5DB1DD" "#802268" 
#>      chr9     chr10     chr11     chr12     chr13     chr14     chr15     chr16 
#> "#6BD76B" "#D595A7" "#924822" "#837B8D" "#C75127" "#D58F5C" "#7A65A5" "#E4AF69" 
#>     chr17     chr18     chr19     chr20     chr21     chr22      chrX      chrY 
#> "#3B1B53" "#CDDEB7" "#612A79" "#AE1F63" "#E7C76F" "#5A655E" "#CC9900" "#99CC00" 
#>     chrUn     chr23     chr24     chr25     chr26     chr27     chr28     chr29 
#> "#A9A9A9" "#CC9900" "#99CC00" "#33CC00" "#00CC33" "#00CC99" "#0099CC" "#0A47FF" 
#>     chr30     chr31     chr32     chr33     chr34     chr35     chr36     chr37 
#> "#4775FF" "#FFC20A" "#FFD147" "#990033" "#991A00" "#996600" "#809900" "#339900" 
#>     chr38     chr39     chr40     chr41     chr42     chr43     chr44     chr45 
#> "#00991A" "#009966" "#008099" "#003399" "#1A0099" "#660099" "#990080" "#D60047" 
#>     chr46     chr47     chr48 
#> "#FF1463" "#00D68F" "#14FFB1" 
#> $uchicago
#>     Maroon   DarkGray     Yellow LightGreen       Blue     Orange        Red 
#>  "#800000"  "#767676"  "#FFA319"  "#8A9045"  "#155F83"  "#C16622"  "#8F3931" 
#>  DarkGreen     Violet 
#>  "#58593F"  "#350E20" 