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hd_de_ttest() performs differential expression analysis using t-test. The output tibble includes the logFC, p-values, as well as the FDR adjusted p-values. The function removes the rows with NAs in the variables that are used to correct for as well as the variable of interest.


  metadata = NULL,
  variable = "Disease",
  control = NULL,
  log_transform = FALSE



An HDAnalyzeR object or a dataset in wide format and sample ID as its first column.


A dataset containing the metadata information with the sample ID as the first column. If a HDAnalyzeR object is provided, this parameter is not needed.


The name of the metadata variable containing the case and control groups.


The case group.


The control groups. If NULL, it will be set to all other unique values of the variable that are not the case.


If the data should be log transformed. Default is FALSE.


An object with the DE results.


The variable of interest should be categorical and present in the metadata. In case your data are not already log transformed, you can set log_transform = TRUE to log transform the data with base 2 before the analysis start.

When using this function you cannot correct for other variables or run it against a continuous variable. If you need to correct for other variables or run the analysis against a continuous variable, use hd_de_limma().


# Initialize an HDAnalyzeR object
hd_object <- hd_initialize(example_data, example_metadata)

# Run differential expression analysis for AML vs all others
hd_de_ttest(hd_object, case = "AML")
#> $de_res
#> # A tibble: 100 × 8
#>    Feature  logFC CI.L  CI.R  t          P.Value  adj.P.Val Disease
#>    <chr>    <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>        <dbl>      <dbl> <chr>  
#>  1 ANGPT2   0.795 0.55  1.04  6.58  0.0000000147 0.00000147 AML    
#>  2 ADA      1.46  1     1.91  6.42  0.0000000409 0.00000205 AML    
#>  3 ANGPT1  -1.70  -2.28 -1.12 -5.87 0.000000312  0.0000104  AML    
#>  4 APEX1    1.30  0.79  1.82  5.1   0.00000455   0.000114   AML    
#>  5 ADGRG1   1.27  0.76  1.77  5     0.00000736   0.000147   AML    
#>  6 APP     -0.764 -1.09 -0.44 -4.69 0.0000178    0.000255   AML    
#>  7 AZU1     1.64  0.95  2.32  4.78  0.0000154    0.000255   AML    
#>  8 ALPP    -1.15  -1.68 -0.61 -4.31 0.0000688    0.000777   AML    
#>  9 ARTN     1.09  0.58  1.59  4.34  0.0000699    0.000777   AML    
#> 10 APBB1IP  1.16  0.61  1.72  4.24  0.000102     0.00102    AML    
#> # ℹ 90 more rows
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "hd_de"

# Run differential expression analysis for AML vs CLL
hd_de_ttest(hd_object, case = "AML", control = "CLL")
#> $de_res
#> # A tibble: 100 × 8
#>    Feature  logFC CI.L  CI.R  t         P.Value adj.P.Val Disease
#>    <chr>    <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>       <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>  
#>  1 ADA      1.41  0.91  1.91  5.57  0.000000386 0.0000193 AML    
#>  2 ADAM8   -1.36  -1.86 -0.87 -5.48 0.000000363 0.0000193 AML    
#>  3 AZU1     1.93  1.2   2.66  5.3   0.00000154  0.0000513 AML    
#>  4 ANGPT1  -1.74  -2.47 -1.01 -4.76 0.00000754  0.000162  AML    
#>  5 ARID4B  -1.53  -2.16 -0.89 -4.79 0.00000809  0.000162  AML    
#>  6 ACAN    -0.679 -0.97 -0.39 -4.64 0.0000116   0.000193  AML    
#>  7 ARTN     1.32  0.76  1.89  4.67  0.0000135   0.000193  AML    
#>  8 ADGRG2  -0.641 -0.93 -0.35 -4.35 0.0000353   0.000441  AML    
#>  9 ACP6    -0.814 -1.19 -0.44 -4.31 0.0000411   0.000457  AML    
#> 10 ADAMTS8 -0.758 -1.12 -0.4  -4.18 0.0000687   0.000687  AML    
#> # ℹ 90 more rows
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "hd_de"