HDAnalyzeR is an R package developed by the Human Disease Blood Atlas project, designed to facilitate proteomics analysis for biomarker selection from blood plasma samples. It is optimized to work with Olink proteomics data, but it can be adapted to other proteomics platforms. In order to use the package without issues the data should have these three necessary columns: DAid
with the Sample IDs, Assay
with the protein names, and NPX
with the protein expression data. The metadata should contain the DAid
, Disease
, and Sex
columns, where the Disease
column should contain the different class names (Healthy, Disease, etc.), while in the Sex
column the data should be encoded as M (males) and F (females).
HDAnalyzeR offers ready-to-use functions for common proteomics tasks such as protein differential expression analysis, classification models, imputation methods, dimensionality reduction, and data visualization, aiming to streamline workflows and enhance the standardization and efficiency of biomarker discovery in disease research.
You can install the latest (recommended) or development version of HDAnalyzeR from GitHub:
# Install devtools if you haven't already
# Install HDAnalyzeR latest version
options(timeout = 1200) # Set timeout to 20 minutes to avoid timeout errors
# Install HDAnalyzeR development version
options(timeout = 1200) # Set timeout to 20 minutes to avoid timeout errors
The following example showcases how to perform a differential expression analysis. It is one of the many features of HDAnalyzeR. A complete guide is available through package’s documentation.
# Prepare data
wide_data <- widen_data(example_data)
# Run differential expression analysis
de_results <- do_limma(wide_data, example_metadata, case = "AML", control = c("CLL", "MYEL"))
# DE results and volcano plot for AML
Issues and Support
If you encounter any bugs or you want to recommend new features and changes to existing ones, please open a new issue on our GitHub repository.
For any questions or further information, please contact us at konstantinos.antonopoulos@scilifelab.se.